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Hop hornbeam (Ostrya carpinifolia) is a small to medium-sized deciduous tree native to southern Europe, the Balkans, Western Asia and the Caucasus region.


The tree’s wood quality is poor and of little commercial interest, except for use as firewood, for which it is still managed as coppices in Italy. The tree is a light-demanding pioneer species in its northern range and is used for reforestation in degraded and dry sites. In its southern range, the tree grows best in shady and humid conditions. It is a hosting tree for the white truffle and is also used as an ornamental in urban parks and along roadsides.


Ostrya produces abundant flowers in the form of yellowish-green male catkins approximately 4 - 6 cm long and unremarkable female flowers in small ears. Once fertilised the latter turn into fruit resembling a hop and are approx. 6 cm long. Likes a warm and sheltered site and grows in any soil, even very dry soils.

Ostrya carpinifolia - Hop Hornbeam

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